How Hosted Desktops Can Help Form a Part of GDPR Compliance
According to the ICO, what is a personal data breach?
‘A personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. This includes breaches that are the result of both accidental and deliberate causes. It also means that a breach is more than just about losing personal data.’
Hosted desktops offer you a secure way to store your client and customer personal data in the cloud. A common misconception is that cloud computing is actually less secure. At Desktop on Demand we maintain a security-first approach to cloud computing – All aspects of our infrastructure and services are watched over by 24/7 in-house Security Operations Centre.
With a non-hosted environment, personal data can be lost, stolen or abused.
Some examples of the harm caused by the loss or abuse of personal data include:
- identity fraud
- fake credit card transactions
- targeting of individuals by fraudsters, potentially made more convincing by compromised personal data
- witnesses put at risk of physical harm or intimidation
- offenders at risk from vigilantes
- exposure of the addresses of service personnel, police and prison officers, and those at risk of domestic violence
- fake applications for tax credits
- mortgage fraud
Although these consequences do not always happen, you should recognise that individuals are still entitled to be protected from less serious kinds of harm, for example embarrassment or inconvenience.
Information security is important, not only because it is itself a legal requirement, but also because it can support good data governance and help you demonstrate your compliance with other aspects of the GDPR.

Here is an example of when a breach would have to be reported: ‘The theft of a customer database, the data of which may be used to commit identity fraud, would need to be notified, given the impact this is likely to have on those individuals who could suffer financial loss or other consequences.’
Having all of your sensitive data, applications and other documents stored in the cloud, means the impact of having a device lost or stolen is lessened. Desktop on Demand allows you to store all of your data in our powerful UK data servers, giving you peace of mind and helping you pave the way to GDPR compliance.
May 25th is the GDPR deadline.
Why wait? Switching to a hosted desktop solution couldn’t be easier.